Tuesday, December 7, 2010


I have been very busy with my little fledgling business lately and its all so exciting. I really wasn't sure if people would like the things make but it seems that they do and that they are actually willing to part with cash to have them. I have been making loads of Peg Bags which must be a good Christmas option. I have also been very busy with my custom order for Magda for a bird mobile for her newest little daughter. I really hope that she likes it.

I am also creating some new items for 2011 including some facinator clips for singlet,hair or bag. My creative brain just wn't slow down but unfortunately my time this year is limited due to my 3 year old wanting some attention too. Next year he starts PreSchool 2 days so I will be dedicating those days to sewing. YIpeeeee.
Merry Xmas to all
Un til Next time
K x

Monday, September 20, 2010

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Finding time to Sew.

I have found an awesome site for those who like sewing and like to sew things like really quickly!

Have a look over here at Prudent Baby. The girls here are so fun and inspiring and I have pulled my finger out and just started making stuff and having lots of fun doing it. And guess what I am actually finishing things too, can't believe it!!!

So heres the things I been doing.

1. My version of the "Pillowcase dress" but really big for Layla. Fabric is Rambler Soiree -Party Dress from Sew,Mama,Sew
2. My version of the "Most Flattering Shirt dress" for me. Fabric from my stash. Instead of putting shirring allthe way around I just did 7 lines of it under the bust line, It looks ok I think. Do You?? ( I really am NOT photogenic)

Yipeee, so proud of my efforts.
Kath (-:

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Melbourne Craft Fair and doing the things you love

Some of my Favourite things of late.

Pictures; 1. Hamish & Lawrence, 2 & 3. Tulips at the Botanical Gardens Sydney, 4 & 5. Crochet Baby quilt for Marli, 6. My room in Intercontinental Melbourne 7.Laylas Chocolate Mousse, 8. Outside Meet me at Mikes with Envelope Project in window.

First things first - DRY JULY - I lasted 30 days out of 31 with no alcohol at all (this was the intention we had a do on the 31st). My liver is so happy!
NO SPEND JULY - Umm not so easy especially when you visit a craft fair. Ohh I did buy a bit of stuff about 6.7 kilos to be exact as that is how much my luggage went up at the airport. But I did last until the 23rd July so that was pretty good I think. Plus I have been very good in August so far.

I AM SO PROUD OF MYSELF FOR DOING THESE LITTLE GOALS I SET. Hmmm will have to think of some harder ones next time.

After the school holidays I decided I needed time out so took off to Melbourne to take in 2 days of crafting at the Craft and Quilt Fair 2010. I took part in many workshops and quite a few craft circles which were so much fun. My favourites were trying my hand a making a nano felted flower, making "Hamish" the Japanese Lucky Owl and an inspiring heat transfer workshop with | Sharyn Hall which included lots of laughing as well as learning.

The little owls have been keeping me busy and it seems everyone wants me to make them one. They are so quick to whip up and really satisfying once finished oh and you get good luck when you give one to someone.

Which brings me to doing the things you love!
Its so easy to get lost in the day to day and feeling like you never seem to get anywhere, well that's how I have been feeling of late. Crafting is about achieving something for yourself, which pleases really no-one else but you. Hey if others like it too then BONUS but really its about nurturing YOUR creative juices and getting that feeling of satisfaction, like wow I'm clever, look what I can do.

Firstly you might like to spend a bit of time at the beginning of the week doing a plan for the projects you have going or want to achieve this week. 5 mins at the beginning of the craft session may work better for you but just set down a guide of your session.

Maybe it could be like this;
Day 1:
Project 1. Cut pattern for skirt, mark up and pin. Sew up side if time
Project 2. Choose Fabric for Cushions and coordinating buttons/Zip. Cut out pattern if time
Project 3. Choose yarn for next crochet project. Gather all equipment together in craft bag ( I have lots of small craft bags I put my crochet projects in then they are portable) and make a start.

You will be so impressed when you actually achieve whats on your list and then some. I find if you don't have a plan then you get sidetracked and start on other things that you shouldn't. I wonder what works for you? Do tell!

Set aside at least 1/2 an hour a day or make it a larger block of time on a day you can get away with it. You will be surprised what you can actually get done if you sit and FOCUS. Even if you just do one day a week get it out and make a start.

Anyway that's all I have in me today I really need to have a lie down now as I have a splitting headache.
So, Until next time


This is a lovely site to look at;
| MakeGoodBooks

Beautiful Japanese books translated into english. Oh I do want this book, I do.

Monday, June 28, 2010

So My Camera is Broken

So today has always been geared up for me to get back to my BLOG. I have lots of lovely pictures to share and I'm so excited to finally have time to get back to Blogland. I have done all the right things Playgroup Tick, 2 year old in bed Tick, Dinner organised Tick, Washing on Tick, Coffee Drunk Tick. Ok down to it.

Plug in camera. Blimp. Nothing. Plug in camera. Blimp Nothing. Change battery. Blimp Nothing. Fiddle manically with cord, plug, switches. Blimp NOTHING!!!!! ARRRRRRRH. I can see all the pictures on the camera but they just don't want to transfer over to the Mac. Why Not. There's the cute crochet raspberry hat . There's the cute light pink crochet hat with flowers. There's all my lovely yarn I got rather quickly from Eat, Sleep, Knit. Theres the video of my son in the blanket box and my daughters playdough lunch and her first communion cake which looked gorgeous (Thanks Tidz Cafe, Oatley, NSW). Theres my cool Ginormous Granny Square wall hanging ( I do love this its Ace). Theres my NEW Ikea cupboards arranged wonderfully with all my fabric, Yarn and crafty stuff.

I just have so much to put up and share and it won't let me. I really do dislike it when my technology lets me down. These days its all about being reliant on something or other, the internet, the automatic car key, the house alarm, mobile phones, TVs the list goes on. So what happens when one breaks down it send us in a spin, we like everything to work just right everytime don't we. Ok maybe next time I can share my lovely images, Maybe.

I'm Challenging myself during JULY (really does my life need more pressure);

1. No spend July - I have decided to not spend a cent on extras this month ( with a few exceptions). I will only be buying the bare essentials, that is FOOD and TOILETRIES only. NO clothes, shoes, WINE, COFFEE, DVDs, toys, kids treats AND NO YARN. If I have a present to give I will make it with what I have in my stash. The exceptions are; A Netball clinic for Layla in the holidays, 1 Movie visit for kids in Holidays, 1 kids club for Myles and a train ride to the city. Thats it!!!

2. DRY July - So during this month of NO spendng I will also NOT be drinking at all. (HELP its school holidays). Myself and my husband have decided to have a DRY JULY, why the heavens not??

OK so wish me luck. Don't know how I will go but need to challenge myself! Will let you know how I'm progressing, bet I get loads of crochet done!

Until next time (-:

Sharing some pics of the items I made for our School Mothers Day stall.

Monday, May 17, 2010

I have been all over the place lately.

I haven't blogged for so so long and feel very bad about it! I have so many things I want to put up but just have no time at the moment. Soooooo I'm not going to pressure myself like I do with everything else as this is meant to be fun and just for me and you ( if anyone is reading).

Have just reconnected with Ravelry have you heard of it? It is so huge you probably have. It has loads of fab ideas, patterns, groups, people to meet around the world, free things, support, things to buy, things to be inspired by, a world for Knitters, Crocheters and all those who love Yarn. become a member if you like its here Ravelry.com and sign up to be a member. I'm on there as Kathster so be my friend if you like.

Well on Ravelry I discovered this wonderful, amazing online yarn shop which I am in awe of EatSleepKnit. It has the most beautiful handdyed yarns I have seen in ages I have a rather long wish list. Especially liking Yarn Love - Elizabeth Bennet, what a cool name, its a sock yarn and is 60% Merino, 20% Bamboo and 15% Silk. Anyway the colours are divine I'm gonna get myself some of the Baroque just because!

I have nearly finished all the pieces for the crochet blanket I started about 2 months ago, so far I have made 8 strips 1 metre long and 22cm wide. I am really a bit over this project and think for a first time thing it would really have been better to do a scarf, Yeah well I'm also doing one of them at the same time its really chunky and will be more likely a neck warmer but thats ok. I am hoping to have finished this blanket, the neck warmer and a kids Cloche hat( for my niece who turns 3 on Saturday) by the end of May. Then I can start on a Granny Square pram blanket for my newest niece Hannah and maybe try my hand at a piece of clothing for my daughter??? We will see about that one.

A tip that may help those that don't feel very organised ( ME) most of the time. I have just printed out a list of all my projects that I have going and want to do. Just a page with a table of 4 columns Project, Start date ( its fun to see how long some things can carry on for), To do for completion or % complete, Finish Date ( Oh I wish). At the moment I have 9 projects on my list (not including the new ones above) some are sewing and some are Patchwork and even one Cross Stitch which dates back to 2000 (OMG).

Anyway of these 9 I can happily say that 2 of the completion dates have been filled in. So as you can see it works, you just have to have it somewhere prominent so you keep looking at it.

Why don't you try it, it may help.

Until next time

Friday, April 23, 2010

The Jane Austen Book Club

A large income is the best recipe for happiness I ever heard of.
Jane Austen

I just love The Jane Austen Book Club movie and have just spent the afternoon watching it again while "Blog Searching", my new obsession, and crocheting tiny red granny squares, my other obsession. It just makes you want to get lost in an Austen Book don't you agree? Last year when I first watched The Jane Austen Book Club I bought Persuasion and devoured it in no time, now I'm itching to read Mansfield Park. Its not just the stories its about the whole Austen feeling. I just want to pile the books up by my bed and look at the covers every night before I go to sleep. Its about taking off to another more romantic period of time! Ahhhh. Sigh.

Now talking about Janes to be inspired by, one of the sweetest Blogs I found this afternoon was Janesapron, it is full of wonderfully inspiring sewing projects and thrify buys (makes you want to run to the nearest St Vinnies to find something divine for next to nothing doesn't it just?) and Janes Apron got a write up in the artful blogging magazine Winter 2009, how wonderful is that. Check out her beautiful blog above and get your STITCH ON!

Until next time.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

My very first Grannys.

Well I am very very excited. I have moved on. I am now a two trick wonder.

Last night I attended my very first Brown Owl meeting at the lovely Thouraya's house (thank you for your hospitality), it was fun and I met up with some new creative souls. The topic was Crochet, which I am now a demon at (lol), and my aim was to master a Granny Square or two. You know its funny, I find it very easy to read a knitting pattern but crochet patterns are just a little beyond me, so I was following some wonderful instructions from purlbee, which did help the second time around, but the first attempt I must have got a little sidetracked and was following someones conversation rather than how many trb I was doing as i made a funny flower thing, instead.
I did however persevere and made two wonderfully, terrific Grannys.
I am now of course hooked (hee hee) and am itching to sit down tonight and make some more. I have joined up with Pips A
Granny a day challenge, not sure how I will go but hey you gotta try sometimes!

My other crochet project is making fine progress and I am nearly half way through my strips for my blanket but am so wanting to start to join it together to see how it will look.

Oh, and just look at this gorgeous knitted Aran Rug I found it is truely
It is by Christien Meindertsma and I want one in green.
You can find
it here.

This is Button the Button man. He was made by my 6 year old Myles on Tuesday, he's cool isn't he. He likes to just hang out a bit.
Til next time.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Crocheting like a demon and Holiday shacks

Ok so have been away for a bit and am now suffering from a head cold, worse luck, but as long as I get a bit of me time each day I think I will manage to get rid of it soon enough!

My little crochet hook has had quite a work out the last few days. Reasons for this;
1. The weather was pretty yuck so was nice to curl up on the daybed with the crochet.
2. We have no electricity at our holiday shack so absolutely no distractions ( beside 3 kids, 1 Hubby and numerous cups of tea)
3. My crochet is portable and I am now able to have a conversation at the same time as I work. Its amazing how many people are really interested in what you're doing and have craft stories they want to share.

During the weekend I found out that I crochet like a knitter ( throw the yarn with my right hand) Is this wrong??? It just feels comfortable like that as I have knitted for so many years. I also really noticed this amazing granny square throw in a dear friends shack that I have sat on many many times but had not really looked at in detail. Her Nan made it years ago (it is a very treasured thing), it is really beautiful so colourful and each square a little bit different (I WANT to do that) She told me how she used to crochet and do tapestry when her 4 kids were babies but just doesn't find the time now ( they are all in there 20's now) Curious I hope I have more time when mine are older. Anyway, the thing that most interested me was that each square was just crocheted to the next using black yarn, so I have decided to do this with my strips but not with the black yarn though.

Right, so I have made three strips so far approx 84 rows long and 20 across (will have to measure this sometime), I think I will need to do about 9 more to get a single bed size but as I will have the crochet in between and around the border will revisit this later.

Just want to share some stuff now.
* If you haven't visited the blog meetmeatmikes you just need to check it out. Pip is so inspiring and motivating she will get you going it worked for me! She has also published a book by the same name which is available on her website too.

* I am a member of Interweave knits but just discovered the sister publication Crochetme there is some handy stuff on this site and best of all a free downloadable Crochet Scarf patterns if you sign up to their enewsletter. I Just can't help myself with freebies. I think I will attempt a scarf next as long as its a bit fancy as I fancy a fancy scarf hee hee hee.

* And here is a little plug for a wonderful publication if you love books, reading and everything along that line. Check out Good Reading Magazine , its got fab book reviews, book club info, interviews with authors, giveaways and lots of fun, lovely stuff.

Ok thats it for now
Until next time
K x x x

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Conquering Crochet week 2

Wow ever since I started this blog I have been so inspired and cannot help but think of things I want to create and do. Unfortunately having 3 busy kids does somewhat hinder my creative urges, which is why the whole learning to crochet thing has been so wonderful. I have been carrying around my crochet ( in a very daggy shopping bag. Note to self make a FAB crochet bag), with me all week in the hope that I might get a few minutes to do some. Well it has worked as I have now finished one strip and am onto the next. have a look!!

I also have been looking at different websites to learn more and found some very useful videos , there are 7 short videos on the different crochet stitches as well as Illustrated Learn to crochet Instructions so very helpful indeed. Lionbrand also have loads of free patterns for both Crochet & knitting which is not daggy at all but super cool especially the Amigurumi Graduation Owl, which I have bookmarked! It is rated Easy so may attempt that one next????? (Unfortunately, Lionbrand DO NOT post to Australia so can't buy any of there yarns )-:

The other thing I want to do is make some friendship bands for my daughter to give to her friends, one of the Mums at school, who was encouraging me to learn how to crochet last year, made some for our School Twilight Market and the kids loved them. She said they were very simple to do and had beads threaded through them so I'd like to try that. I will have to buy her a coffee one day in exchange for her knowledge. A fair exchange don't you agree!!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Conquering Crochet week 1

Last week I finally picked up crochet and ran with it, after many attempts to learn by many different people. My beautiful and patient friend Laura showed got me started in the easiest way by teaching me to do a treble crochet with a rather large crochet hook (6mm) and 8ply yarn (maybe could be a little larger size but hey, thats all I had with me at the time and its working). I started off crocheting a scarf just to get me started and to practice the stitches and get a feel for holding the hook in my hand, but I'm loving it so, so much I have upscaled and am making a blanket/throw for my 2 year old son.

I am using 6 colours and have designed the very simple pattern myself so it just 7 rows per colour then change to whichever colour takes your fancy. So I am up to colour 6 and am liking the look of my work already. Also, not stressing over the wonkiness of it as I will stitch the panels together and want the rustic homemade look. oh yeah and its my first piece!!

I will post pics with my progress.