Tuesday, December 7, 2010


I have been very busy with my little fledgling business lately and its all so exciting. I really wasn't sure if people would like the things make but it seems that they do and that they are actually willing to part with cash to have them. I have been making loads of Peg Bags which must be a good Christmas option. I have also been very busy with my custom order for Magda for a bird mobile for her newest little daughter. I really hope that she likes it.

I am also creating some new items for 2011 including some facinator clips for singlet,hair or bag. My creative brain just wn't slow down but unfortunately my time this year is limited due to my 3 year old wanting some attention too. Next year he starts PreSchool 2 days so I will be dedicating those days to sewing. YIpeeeee.
Merry Xmas to all
Un til Next time
K x